The Committee

Committee members and their roles

This sets out the points that cover all of the clubs electable committee roles.

If you want to do one of these roles please let a committee member know.

Zoe Rocholl

Zoe Rocholl

Club Chair

  • To provide effective leadership to the club
  • Act as principal officer within the club, and make decisions whenever the need arises, in consultation with other officers when appropriate
  • Represent the club at external meetings when required
  • To be involved, where appropriate, in the co-ordination of club activities
  • To chair and control meetings of the club committee
  • Manage and oversee the work of officers and other club personnel
  • Present the club's annual report, in association with the club secretary
  • Present the club's annual accounts, in association with the club treasurer
  • Determine the content and agenda for club meetings, in association with club secretary
  • Ensure that club complies with its statutory duties including the submission of all statutorily required documents and files
  • Advise the treasurer on the use and investment of club funds
  • Advise all Club Members of any proposed changes to the Constitution
Mark Walton

Mark Walton

Club Vice Chairman

  • To provide effective leadership to the club
  • To deputise for the club Chairman as and when necessary, make decisions, in consultation with other officers when appropriate
  • Represent the club at external meetings when required
  • To be involved, where appropriate, in the co-ordination of club activities
  • Manage and oversee the work of officers and other club personnel
  • Advise the treasurer on the use and investment of club funds
  • To initiate, foster and encourage the development of the club and its members
Susan Baker

Susan Baker

Club Secretary

  • To organise committee meetings and AGMs alongside the Chair, preparing agendas, taking minutes, and distributing and communicating these as appropriate
  • To maintain records and information in relation to queries, administration and communications including competition events, affiliations, subscriptions, memberships, bookings, training of volunteers and mailings
  • To assist with the day to day running of the club including correspondence (both internally and externally) as required
  • To liaise with other club committee members to ensure all appropriate administration is in place
  • To have a knowledge and understanding of roles and responsibilities of other club committee members


Mandy Dale

Mandy Dale

Membership Secretary

  • To liaise with and encourage people interested in joining the Club.
  • To collect and acknowledge receipt of all membership subscriptions and provide a 'Welcome Pack' for new members
  • To maintain a database for all members, committee members and other key club personnel
  • To monitor access to and maintain the club's Facebook group and email contact Googlegroup
  • To ensure records are kept of club affiliations.  All membership records must comply with any legal requirements.
  • To liaise with the club Treasurer and Secretary as appropriate
  • To provide a report for each committee meeting regarding any changes to membership of the Club
  • Prepare an end of year report for consideration at the club AGM


Clair Hunt

Clair Hunt


  • To be responsible for all club finances and ensuring adequate accounts and records exist to comply with all legal duties and current accepted accounting rules and practices;
  • To ensure that all funds are used appropriately taking into account the aims of the club
  • To issue receipts and keep records of all monetary transactions
  • To plan the annual budget in agreement with the club committee, and monitor club finances throughout the year
  • To maintain up to date records of all transactions and records of income and expenditure
  • To prepare a financial report for each committee meeting
  • Prepare an end of year account report for consideration at the club AGM.
Debbie Ware

Debbie Ware

Open Water Swim Officer

  • To organise and co-ordinate the Club's open water swimming sessions at Ardingly Reservoir, including a rota for safety personnel (spotters and kayakers)
  • To liaise with the manager of Ardingly Activity Centre to co-ordinate procedures and practise and foster good relations between the Club and Centre.
  • Negotiate facilities and costs with the AAC manager
  • Develop and maintain updated Risk Assessments and Safety procedures 
  • Develop and maintain systems for record keeping and financial arrangements relevant to OWS
  • To provide a report for each committee meeting
  • Prepare an end of year report for consideration at the club AGM
Steve McMenamin

Steve McMenamin

Head Coach

  • To arrange an annual structure for coaching delivery, phased to an agreed race season
  • To co-ordinate the club coaching team and hold coaches meetings at regular intervals
  • Provide a structure within which individual coaches can plan & deliver appropriate sessions with agreed coaching points
  • Ensure coaches are working to an acceptable level of quality and with a common approach
  • Identify potential coaches for BTF training and make recommendations to the committee
  • Liaise with Treasurer and committee in respect of any costs associated with  new coach training, additional training and coaching equipment
  • To provide a report for each committee meeting 
  • Prepare an end of year report for consideration at the club AGM


Jo Fleming

Jo Fleming

Race Director

  • Organise the annual Mid Sussex Triathlon sprint distance race that is open to the public
  • Responsible for organising a race event that is compliant with BTF and all legal requirements
  • Appoint sub-committees and deputy officers as necessary to assist in organising these events (i.e. sponsorship team and publicity)
  • Responsible for co-ordinating volunteer marshalls
  • Responsible for co- ordinating the race on the day
  • To provide a report for each committee meeting 
  • Prepare an end of year report for consideration at the club AGM
Clarissa Walton

Clarissa Walton

Welfare Officer

  • To initiate, foster and encourage the development of the club and its members
  • To be a point of contact for club members to raise any issues or concerns in confidence, including safeguarding concerns
  • Facilitate the process of DBS checks when required
  • Receive, record and forward to the Lead Officer of your Home Nation any concerns that are expressed to you.
  • Ensure that the club has a safeguarding policy and that this is followed and accessible to all.
  • Be familiar with national safeguarding and child protection policies
  • To provide a report for each committee meeting
  • Prepare an end of year report for consideration at the club AGM
Kieren Millar

Kieren Millar


  • To be responsible for the programming and maintenance of the club website
  • To manage all subscriptions, registrations, annual renewals and software payments as agreed with the treasurer and committee
  • Ensure that updates on content to the website requested by any officers and agreed by the committee are posted no later than 7 days after they have been received by the Webmaster
John Mactear

John Mactear

Bar Officer

Joanna Millington

Joanna Millington


Esther Clutton

Esther Clutton
