May 2023

May 2023

A warm welcome to the Mid Sussex Tri Newsletter for May 2023.

It’s our first newsletter for a while so it’s a bumper edition, but hopefully it’s the first of many.

Training has really stepped up this year with attendance at swim, spin and run sessions full of shiny happy faces, and we hope that the changes to the timetable have worked for you. Feedback on the sessions, coaches, and club activities are always welcome and have helped shape the club over the years to the form that works for its members, but we know that change is a constant and are keen to keep moving forward with the times.  

On that note, fill your boots (cycling shoes, swim socks, trainers) with this activity packed edition of this newsletter!

MSTC Triathlon Klaxon!

We’re getting closer to our annual Tri Club Race day, Sunday 11th June. This is our biggest opportunity to promote and raise funds for the Club, so please keep the date in your diary as we need all our members support to make the day super. Emails to organise the marshalling for this will come in a week or two, so keep an eye out.

In the meantime, each year we host a familiarisation event for the Race which includes a guided lap of the bike course, a review of the run route and answer any questions the newcomers may have about the race. This year it will be on Sunday 14th May from 08.00 to 10.30ish, starting at The Triangle in Burgess Hill. If you are able to support on the Sunday then please contact Jo Fleming

Swim/Bike/Run News

OPEN WATER SWIM: Our 2023 Open Water Swim season is fast approaching. Debbie has updated the OWS page with all the information you will need for this season details, so please do go and take a look at what's new and refresh your memory as to how it all works.

We hope to start the season on Saturday 6th May and will run through to Saturday 30th September (water levels permitting!). Times as before are Tuesday: 6-7:30pm and Saturday 8:15-9:45am and water temperature is currently a balmy 12 degrees! We'll be strictly enforcing the no-pay no-swim policy, so make sure you sign up before you change, or you will be sent up the hill until you get signal!

In a change from previous years, you will be able to choose your own Spotter and Kayak duty dates, which will need to be booked before you can book your initial swim. Hopefully this will make it more convenient for you, though duties can easily be swapped/changed at a later date so don't worry if your plans change.  We’re looking forward to seeing many of you back in the water again.

BIKE: Sunday Bike Rides start from today, Sunday 30th April. This ride is a social event for all abilities with a ’no drop’ policy e.g the group ride to the slowest rider. Everyone is welcome and the route will be advertised via e-mail and a WhatsApp Group the Wednesday before, but please ensure you signup so we know who is coming.

We need some volunteer route leaders to keep it going throughout the summer so if you know a great route and want to lead the ride out, let Clarissa Walton know on

Coaching News

We are still focusing on technique during our sessions. Look out for changes from May as we enter our summer timetable, e.g more time at the reservoir!

For all sessions, keep an eye on the Training page  

Junior’s Corner

We will be running our Try-a-Tri day at Ardingly College on Saturday 15th July for enthusiastic young people between the ages of 8 and 14.

They must be able to swim a minimum of 25 metres unaided and ride a bike, but otherwise no experience necessary. The day involve 3 training sessions in each of the disciplines and culminates in a mini fun race at the end. Entries will be offered to the offspring of MSTC members first and we will start advertising to the wider Mid Sussex community in May.

We will be looking for volunteers to help support on the day just to ensure it runs smoothly - don’t miss this great opportunity to be part of a small but perfectly formed team ensuring the next gen of triathletes come through.

Please email Zoe Rocholl  to reserve a place or volunteer to help.

Membership Renewals

Thank you to all members old and new for renewing for another year, and a swift reminder if you haven’t renewed your membership yet- IT’S TIME! If you could add a picture to your membership profile too, we would all be very grateful.

We introduced a guest membership last year, so if you have a tri curious friend or family member they can sign up as a Guest first before they get hooked and sign up as a fully fledged member.

Any of the coaching team or committee will be delighted to extoll the virtues of training and exercising with others, so don’t hesitate to reach out to any of them at a session, or through the Contact Us page.

Races and events

Racing season has begun. What have you signed up for?

If you want to share your upcoming races or be inspired by your peers, we have introduced a shared Google sheet. Don’t forget to share your pictures on Facebook, WhatsApp or tag us on Instagram post-race to feel that community love and pride. 


After the success of the Velodrome day out, and the Friday Curry Club, the Social Team are organising a session Bouldering. Keep an eye out for updates from Kate and Flo on WhatsApp and the Facebook events page.

Summer fun is on its way – events are in planning for Saturday mornings pre or post swim, after the success of the Swim Run last summer. If you have any ideas for simple, or wild and wacky fun, then pop a post on the Facebook page or in the WhatsApp chat.


As you start to plan your training and events for 2023, don't forget to order your club kit. Wearing our club colours not only helps to promote our club, but it also helps to create a sense of community and pride as we train and compete together.

The kit is designed specifically for triathletes, with features such as moisture-wicking fabric and aero sleeves. Have a look on the Kit website and get your orders in to Mark Walton on   by the 30th May.

We are also looking at some branded jackets, jumpers and post training wear, to keep the team feeling alive- keep an eye out for these soon.

And finally…

Swim Trekking and Club La Santa

We are looking into options for active holidays, either with Swim Trek for swimming focused breaks or to Club La Santa, the all rounder sports holiday camp for adults, most likely for 2024. Again watch this space!

Phew! See you soon x