August 2023

August 2023

Aug2023 4

AUGUST 2023 MSTC News!

It’s a been a long summer (and longer since we had a newsletter), the hazy days are drawing in and it’s time to start thinking about wrapping up the competition season and bedding down into the autumn training. There’s lots to share, and more pictures than usual so let’s crack on with it…  


We have been reflecting on the changes in the club post covid and lamenting the reduced social and sporting events, so this summer we pulled together a group to reinstate the FUN in triathFlUN. So far we have had 3 events and are planning more for the months ahead

Swim Run Breakfast 29th July

36 keen beans turned up for a swim, run and social in the sunshine. Participants took part in either the SHORTY, 3 laps of the reservoir and a 5km flat run or the LONGER one of 5 laps of the reservoir and a 7km run with a hill, before retiring to the benches for a bacon butty.



Swim Bike “Double Dipper” 19th August

The double dipper turned into a ‘do whatever you want we’ll see you there!” event. Perfect I say!

We started at Ardingly for our usual Saturday swim at 8.15, then 2 of the team took a leisurely, (or spritely if your name is Justin), cycle down to Pells Pools, picking up another couple of team mates before arriving for our second dip of the day at the 11 am session with the rest of the group.



Swim Run “The Big One” 26th August

Our third event was another swim run with a BIGGER SWIM LOOP, with 2 distance options to cater for everyone. A short course of about 1500m and the same 5km flat run and then a long course of about 2800m and the same ~7km hilly run.

About 20 chippy members turned up for the pastries, bacon butties and various snacks and social afterwards. Everyone’s a winner!




It has been an exciting summer swimming season, we have had major infrastructure works, a safety drill and a price hike. The end of the season is upon us, the last Tuesday swim will be 12th September and the final Saturday will be Saturday 30th September, so get your final swims of the season in now.


With OWS finishing Strength & Conditioning will start again on 7 October. It will be run by PPT ( at their gym just behind Sainsbury’s, at 9am each Saturday. We will have a programme for the off-season, with specific development focused on each of swim, run and bike-specific strength and conditioning.

The programmes are likely to be 6-12 weeks, first focusing on building base level strength and then “earning the right” to develop speed, which is also critical for injury prevention. We’ll post an intro video from the instructors in mid Sept, to help answer any questions. As usual, all levels of experience are welcome.


Our spin classes have been going strong throughout the summer with the numbers staying high each week. Some say this due to the coaches and their phenomenal playlists and spontaneous dancing; others point to it being a great way to maintain fitness and power throughout the season.  
For those new to spin, the classes are great fun and suitable for all levels, just introduce yourself to the coach at the beginning of the session to get some help in setting your bike up and take the session at your own pace.

Our Spin class is on Wednesdays at 7.30 in The Dolphin, the spin studio is right next to the reception.



Congratulations to all those who have participated, podiumed or plodded at events recently, we are super proud of you all! Here’s what some of you have been up to;

Lawrence (Loz) Wintergold had an eventful but successful 100 mile Time Trial including a sheered fork, the emptying of his hydration bladder into his helmet and 8 chain derailments, Sam Crofts competed in the European Championship in a smashing time of 4hr 57 mins to place 28th in his age group, Paul Newsome placed 1st at Bewl Water Triathlom, Steve Mac had to attempt to swim slowly on the Cambridge Slow Swim and Picnic, Esther Clutton won her Masters Quad (all thanks to spinning), Susan Baker smashed out 10 laps of the Ardingly swim circuit, Mark Walton and a gang of MSTC’ers Beat the Tide in the River Adur Swim, Justin Clark ate dry porridge after spin, and a group including some MSTC members SWAM THE CHANNEL.



I have tears I am so proud. Keep sharing your pictures on Facebook, WhatsApp or tag us on Instagram post-race to feel that community love and pride, and let us know if you are attending an event by sharing your upcoming races on the shared Google sheet.


Looking forward to autumn, we are planning a range of social events to keep body and soul together, starting with a quiz night of  “Wine and Wisdom” on Friday 13th Oct at Bent Arms for a quiz and buffet. A note will be sent out on whatsapp, email and facebook for you to register your interest with (very reasonable) ticket prices with proceeds going to charity.

And finally…MEMBERSHIP

We would like to say hello and welcome, to our new members Max Soudain, Alexandra Kelly, Suzy Khouri, Giles Kolter, Sean Lippett, Guillaume Blacher and returner Sharon Chladek! We’re delighted you have joined us and we look forward to welcoming you at the next swim, spin or ride.

For all current members, please don’t forget to keep your details up to date and add a photo! It really helps the coaches to know who is who. You can make changes on the My Details page on the club website.


See you all soon x