Southwater Duathlon (LONG) - May 6th
25m TT Worthing Excelsior G25/53 (SHORT) - May 20th
Ardingly Sprint Tri (SHORT) - June 3rd
Arun 3.8km Swim (LONG) - June 23rd
50m TT ESCA G50/90 (LONG) - July 15th
MSTC Olympic Tri (SHORT) - July 22nd
100m TT SCCU G100/60 (LONG - August 5th
10m TT Eastbourne Rovers G10/87 (SHORT) - August 11th
Worthing Birdman 1km Swim (SHORT) - Cancelled August 19th
MSTC Middle Distance Tri (LONG) - August 26th
Barns Green 1/2 Marathon (SHORT) - September 30th
Brighton 10k (SHORT) - November 18th
Portsmouth Coastal Marathon (LONG) - December 23rd
BAR scoring
Each event is scored out of 10. 10 points for first club male
and female, 9 for second etc. All competitors will score at least 1
There are 3 competitions. The races labelled SHORT will form the
Short BAR, and the races labelled LONG will form the Long BAR. The
same person will not win both competitions.
Percentages are calculated from the lead man and woman, and it is
these that are used for the Best Athlete competition.
The criteria for a Best Athlete position.
Events to score
At least 2 must be multisport (triathlon or duathlon)
Any of the other races will count provided they come from
DIFFERENT sports, eg one TT, one swim
Events can come from any of the SHORT or LONG BAR races and
results will be calculated from your best possible percentage from
any BAR races done.