June 2023

June 2023

June2023 1

Happy 3rd May Bank Holiday to all our members, we could definitely get used to all this extra free time for swimming, cycling and running!

MSTC Triathlon is just 2 weeks away!

Our annual Race day is on Sunday 11th June and we need you! The race provides vital funds for the club allowing us to heavily subsidise the training sessions and train up and develop our coaches. The club expectation is that everyone available does their part and marshals on the day. We require around 60 people to run the race, so it is all hands on deck but a great way to meet and socialise with other members, new and old. We’re happy to have family members too!

The timings are as follows:

SUNDAY 11th from 5.30am to 11.00 at the Triangle

  • Set up the race for 6.45 start
  • Marshal until 10ish
  • Set down until 11 ish
  • A thank you event at the Sportsman (Goddards Green) from 11.30 if you can make it

Also Sat 10th at 4.00pm for 90 mins but we only need 20 people for registration and setting up the bike racks

If you haven’t already please mail David Turner at dt5150@me.com to confirm your availability, with your mobile number so we can set up WhatsApp groups. If you have already emailed, thank you!



Outdoor Swimming Update and Swimmers on tour

We have likely had our final swim at Ardingly for the next few weeks this weekend subject to South East Water starting their works. 

Whilst we can’t swim in the reservoir, we have plenty of alternative outdoor options on our doorstep so the committee are putting together a series of swim tours to various other outdoor pools, or we will post a meeting time and place for a sea swim (weather and wave permitting) on the WhatsApp group.

The first trip will be on Saturday 3rd June to Pells Pools, with an added group ride down to Lewes for those who feel so inclined. Flo will be leading the charge on this, so please look out for more information in the coming week.



The committee are looking at organising an MSTC Swimtrek holiday next year – the most likely destination is Montenegro in summer 2024.

All the trips quote a daily swim distance, generally 3/5/7 Kms. This is a daily average and may be split across two swims a day. Those that have been before say that 5km is quite achievable for a moderate swimmer due to the pacing and support. But be reassured that each day is optional and swimmers get in and out of the boat as they wish throughout the day.

Interested? Then drop an email to members@midsussextriclub.com  to be added to the communications list.

BIKE: Sunday Bike Rides have got off to a flying start. Mike should be rolling out with a group today on a 40km route.

This ride is a social event for all abilities with a ’no drop’ policy e.g the group ride to the slowest rider. Everyone is welcome and the route will be advertised via e-mail and a WhatsApp Group the Wednesday before, but please ensure you signup so we know who is coming.

We still need some volunteer route leaders to keep it going throughout the summer so if you know a great route and want to lead the ride out, let Clarissa Walton know on c.walton61@googlemail.com  and please take some pictures!


Our Try-a-Tri day at Ardingly College is fast approaching on Saturday 15th July for enthusiastic young people between the ages of 8 and 14.

Places are £20 per child for a full day of fun and games based around the four disciplines and a mad dash race at the end!

Please email Zoe to book a place or for more information on zoerocholl@gmail.com 

We also need volunteers to help support on the day just to ensure it runs smoothly - don’t miss this great opportunity to be part of a small but perfectly formed team ensuring the next gen of triathletes come through. Again contact Zoe if you can help out.


Our new branded jackets, jumpers and training kit site  is now open!

Gracefully modelled by David, these items are perfect for your year round training and post event wear and can be bought individually at any time of year.

They all go wonderfully with the race day Club Colours Kit which you can find on the Kit website. Remember to get your orders in for these to Mark Walton on mstckit@gmail.com   by the 30th May.



It has been great to see some of your pre and post race pictures. Please continue to share your pictures on Facebook, WhatsApp or tag us on Instagram post-race to feel that community love and pride, and let us know if you are attending an event by sharing your upcoming races on the shared Google sheet.


Join in with the Photo challenge for the best picture whist doing something tri related by posting your pictures on Facebook, or tag us on Instagram. There will be Prizes (well, glory) for grit, strength and comedic value. Get posting!

And finally…MEMBERSHIP

We would like to say hello and welcome, (or welcome back!) to our new members

Dax Gulmohamed, Tara Melik, Ed Cornwall , Liz Griffin-Hind, Matt Kelly, Jo Greening, Nick Fellows, Steve McCort, Michael Wiseman, Emma Fernley, Katie Ashworth and Natalie Houldcroft.

It’s great to have you with us and we look forward to welcoming you at the next swim, spin or ride.

See you all soon x